Is your pet neighbor friendly?

“Kids and dogs have a lot in common, when they get together, two or more, they begin to think of fun things to do. The fun can easily turn into disaster.”

Joyce Currington | Janurary 16, 2019

Is your pet neighbor friendly?  Recently there was a letter to the editor regarding goats being killed by dogs. Of course the owners denied that their lovable pets would do such a thing. Maybe not while you are near them. The fact is, you, the owner, are responsible for the actions of your pets; it is just like being a parent – training and discipline is part of ownership. If you love your pet, you will make sure it is safe, not running free.

Click here to learn secrets to dog training and stop your dog’s behavior problems!

Unfreindly pet neighbor bites child's faceKids and dogs have a lot in common, when they get together, two or more, they begin to think of fun things to do. The fun can easily turn into disaster. This apparently was the case with the dogs – they were having fun chasing the goats, one goat got bit enough to draw blood or fought back and the frenzy was on. When dogs get the taste of fresh blood, that quickly turns their behavior into bad behavior. Suddenly, that gentle, lovable pet neighbor has turned into a creature of destruction and a menace to the neighborhood.

Think about it – this type of animal endangers our children and adults. You have probably seen and heard horror stories about dog bites; if not, type in “dog bite pictures” on your computer and check out the damage. The severity of the bite depends on the size of the dog  – and the number of dogs.

Should you come upon a dog fight, do not try to grab your dog to get it out of danger – an angry dog does not distinguish between friend and foe in a fight (especially over a female in heat), they will bite whatever is in reach. Their teeth are made to grip and tear and they know how to do it.

Read more on Taking care of your pets (Click Here).


