Jeeter Ranch Tidbits – Variety Is The Spice Of Life!

“Foods vary from area to area, we are fortunate to live in a place where we often have the opportunity to taste a variety of foods, thanks to our winter visitors. ”

Joyce Currington | March 25, 2019

“No one is perfect, that’s why pencils have erasers.”  from “100 Quotes to Make  You Think”, by Wolfgang Riebe.

We have all made choices we regretted and would really like to have the opportunity of a second chance. You are among a very elite class of people! Were you aware that in the movie “E.T.”, his favorite candy was to have been M&M s, however, the Mars company chose not to participate. This left the option open to Hershey’s, which led to E.T.’s favorite candy to be Reese’s Pieces! Most of our choices would be a long way from being that costly! Even Hershey’s almost made the mistake – they wanted to go with their famous Hershey’s Kisses, but settled on the Reese’s Pieces instead.- still a wise and profitable choice on their part.

Jeeter Ranch Tidbits by Joyce CurringtonFoods vary from area to area, we are fortunate to live in a place where we often have the opportunity to taste a variety of foods, thanks to our winter visitors. Should you be one who gets things from the Food Pantry, you may have gotten Lentils. What are they and how do you prepare them, you may wonder.Lentils are Legumes and are actually very good for you. They cook quickly so are good in soups, adding some thickness to the soup. A recipe from the Mayo Clinic Website caught my attention. Yes, I was familiar with Lentils, but cannot say I really liked them. My husband was not familiar with Lentils, so I decided to fix some to see if they would agree with his picky choices. By adding a few variations, the operation was a success and will probably be on our menu more often. Here it is, with my changes added.

Lentil Stew

1 teaspoon Olive Oil

1 Cup chopped onion

6 medium tomatoes, chopped (I used Ro-tel Tomatoes)

5 cups water

1 cup lentils

1 tablespoon thyme

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper (I used Cayenne – very spicy!)

(to this, I added a can of drained low-sodium mixed vegetables)

Saute onion in the oil.Add tomatoes and cook 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add water and cook till most of water is absorbed (20 minutes). Stir in spices and mixed vegetables.

Serve with corn bread!

Do not be afraid to try new foods, remember,variety is the spice of life!

Read more Jeeter Ranch Tidbits by Joyce Currington here…

