Jessica Cisneros running for Congress: Disguised as a Democrat?

“Cattle ranching is a staple in South Texas, are you really going to ban our South Texas food producers from working as cattle ranchers?”

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Concerned Democrat | February 1, 2020

I hear many individuals run for office claiming they come from families who left their country for a better life.  They are often running  from socialists countries that care nothing for their people.  Their parents believed in America’s golden opportunities for a better life.  A belief that through hard work they have a right to entrepreneurship, free thinking, and the ability to grow and become great people.  They left their country to move to a free democratic Capitalist country where they believed they could raise a family safely and work hard to obtain a great life.

It saddens me to hear that theses politicians are running for office trying to create a country and establish laws that their parents ran away from.

Jessica Cisneros,  are you a Far left socialist liberal disguised as a Democrat?  Are you trying to destroy our communities like the communities in other states.

Are you a supporter of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) because this person supports you?  This person believes that South Texas Cattle ranchers are responsible for the production of the harmful release of methane gas into our environment as a product of their lively hood. Do you endorse this? Ms. Cisneros, Cattle ranching is a staple in South Texas, are you really going to ban our South Texas food producers from working as cattle ranchers?

South Texas is a community of many different ethnicities and cultures blended together throughout time. This area is the path that many people have taken to live and raise families, establishing a life rooted in loving God, working hard, and giving a helping hand to their neighbors.  This community does not need a socialist liberal democrat telling us there is something free they can give us, because your parents would tell you that you need to work hard, just as you have, if you want to prosper in this world.

