Child Rearing

Joyce Currington | Jeeter Ranch Tidbits

L.H. Loble, a former Judge from Helena, Montana, made a very pointed statement about child rearing, “Discipline should begin in the high chair – – not in the electric chair.”

It seems those tables are turning; are we missing the mark on training our children or are we turning the responsibility to someone else – our children maybe? Training child-rearinginvolves discipline, which should not be confused with abuse. When we look at the success of many of our Zapata students, we can see that we have some very impressive young people in the County. Part of the success is the community involvement of many organizations. Students are encouraged to reach out and they are rewarded for their participation. Just the simple act of opening a door for someone is an indication of some excellent up-bringing in many places, this is a lost art – in Zapata it is a common practice!

